Poetic Interlude VII

I beat hope:
With stones and rods, hockey sticks and ropes
With eggs and branches and belt buckles
Until it picked itself up and gave me a bitter look
And whispered "Do it yourself, then"
And limped off.
I flipped the bird at its back
And yelled at the sky and spit on the ground
And cursed everything that was ever good to me.
"I don't need you anyway" I muttered,
Meaning I didn't deserve you anyway.
Like a battered wife, it might have stayed
Had I given it anything between the beatings
But I never was very smart
Never very good with words
Never sorry.
Hope wormed itself back in, sweetly
Like a woman's voice when she knows you're mad.
It squirmed into my cracks and infiltrated my hardness
Like a plant through the pavement.
Hope waited,
Waited …
And then hit me upside the head with a crowbar
Behind a dumpster (fitting),
Pulled two molars and a thumbnail,
Put out a cigarette on my left cheek,
Kicked me twelve times in the gut and left me for dead.
I have dragged myself to this ER
In the hopes that you can put me out of my misery.

This is the last time I'll ever love anybody.


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